DIY Ugly Christmas Sweater Gift Bags

I’m one of those people that just cannot bring myself to gift a gift card. I know a gift card is sometimes the best gift because the recipient can pick out something they actually need or want instead of being gifted a useless item just because. And don’t get me wrong, I totally enjoy receiving a gift card! But it just doesn’t feel personalized or special enough for me to justify giving it as a present.

So I have set out to change my mindset (justice for gift cards!!) and think of a way that I could dress up a gift card or a small simple gift to make it feel like something really special.

They say good things come in small packages, so today I’m sharing these adorably festive mini gift bags — perfect for packaging up any tiny gifts in a very darling way :) Follow along below for the easy tutorial!


You will need:

  • Colored felt

  • Any type of embellishments you want! I used pom poms, tiny bells, gems, metallic pipe cleaners, puffy paint, etc.

  • Scissors

  • Hot glue gun

  • Fine sharpie

  • ETI’s printable sweater template (download below)

  • White cardstock

STEP 1: To begin, download and print our sweater template PDF above on a thick white cardstock to use as a stencil for this project. Carefully cut out the outer sweater shape from the document.

STEP 2: Lay the sweater stencil on a piece of colored felt and trace (using a fine tip sharpie) around the stencil. Repeat this a second time on the same colored felt to create a front and back to the sweater. Cut these shapes out of your felt.

STEP 3: Once you have both sides of your sweater cut out, flip them upside down so any sharpie marks are on the inside/back. Line up the two sides of the sweater so the shapes match and hot glue around the edges of the entire outline, leaving just the top open (from shoulder to shoulder).

STEP 4: Now comes the fun part, decorating your ugly Christmas sweaters! More is more in this case, so cover them with as many pom poms and embellishments as you would like! I cut shapes out of my extra scrap felt to make stripes and other festive shapes. I just used my glue gun to stick all the embellishments on, but you could also use any kind of craft glue.

I actually think these “ugly” Christmas sweaters turned out exceptionally cute!! And they are a perfect fit for gifting all kinds of small presents this year to give them an extra special touch. Here are some of the gifts I think would work perfect in these mini gift bags:

  • Gift cards

  • Hot chocolate packets

  • Nail polish

  • Playing cards/card games

  • Mini liquor bottles

  • Coffee pods

  • Chocolate bars

  • Lip balms

  • Jewelry

  • Face masks

  • Hair clips

  • and much much more!

I hope this idea gives you some inspiration if you’re still on the hunt for gifts this year! It is also a fun holiday craft project for kids and adults alike if you’re looking for a good holiday experience at home.

Would you wear any of these “ugly” Christmas sweaters?

xo Rachael