Friday Favorites: Halloween Decorations

Happy Halloween season — or as some people call it, fall! :P Now that we are officially into the season of fall, there is no shame in breaking out your Halloween decor. Or if you’ve had it up since September 1st like me, no shame in that either! :)

I will take any occasion I can get to redecorate my home, and Halloween is no exception. As much as I love all the deep fall colors, cozy autumnal candles, and pumpkin spice everything, I am also a sucker for all the cutesy Halloween decor during this time of year. I especially love the newest trends in very subtle Halloween home decor that gives your space a touch of spooky vibes without giving ‘over the top haunted house’.

Here are a few of my favorite pieces that I’ve been seeing in the shops lately. I try to make it a point to only add a few pieces to my Halloween collection each year and this year I was excited to purchase this Ghostly Tales book for my coffee table. Now all that is left to do is light a cozy candle and break open one of these “spine-chilling stories”!


Are you adding any new pieces to your Halloween decoration collection this year? Or do you have any special pieces you get excited to break out year after year?

Xo Rachael